Monday, September 21, 2009

Blog #4 Revolution Article

1) The Civil War is more attractive and well-known than any other war the United States participated in, including the War of Independence. The Civil War not only draws attention because of the 620,000 causalities, the war lures historians by the incredible amount of first person accounts from soldiers who fought in the battles by the form of personal letters and photographs.

2) In the Civil War, names most people remember have to do with the actually fighting (Nathanial Banks, William T. Sherman, Robert E. Lee); the Revolutionary Wars' leaders were all political leaders like John Adams, Ben Franklin, and Patrick Henry. The Revolutionary War was more of political fight than the Civil War, which was more of a physical fight.

3) Diseases spent through camps during the Revolutionary War, similar to the Civil War. The disease during the the War of Independence impacted many citizens not even on the battle fronts. Diseases spread from the army's camps to the small, neighboring towns and many civilians died.

4) British troops conducted raids along the east coast in towns of innocent citizens where they were shot without mercy. They pillaged plantations including Mount Vernon, destroyed businesses, and burned houses. In the Civil War, only one half of one percent of the civilian population died.

5) Loyalists were not given their land back lost when they fled the war, unlike the South in the Civil War who got their land back.

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