Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mayflower Compact & Fundamental Orders of CT

1) A concept that is evident in the Mayflower Compact state that the new colonists will "enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers...". In essence, this document means that they wanted to establish a colony where there was an equality of laws, leadership, and some sort of a structure of government.

2) The Mayflower Compact shows its existing attachment to the "Old" world by stating themselves as "loyal subjects" to Lord King James. They also showed their attachment to the "Old" world by still honoring their God. In the "New" world, they established a government with a sense of freedom.

3) The Mayflower Compact differs from the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut because the orders were more precise than the compact. These orders were more probably enforced because the laws were "Ordered, sentenced, and decreed". The orders were more drawn out and no where in the orders did the people say they were subjects of the king.

4) The people created these orders to maintain the peace in the colony. Also, it was to create a "union of such a people there should be an orderly and decent Government established according to God...". Furthermore, the orders were created for the purpose of settling the people's problems.

5) The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut limited the length of an elected official can serve. The establishment of standing courts and oaths showed the fear against the uprising of power of one individuals. Moreover, the checking of qualifications of elected officials was put in place and the calling of town meetings showed the fear in the colonists.

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